ehm Jeg er jo så uheldig at jeg har rigtig meget kvalme fortiden, så jeg orkede ikke at hilse på jer i går. Det var jeg rigtig ked af.
Kom så i samtale med en shaman og før jeg vidste af det kanaliserede han fra sin gudinde. Fik mange spændende ting af vide... virkelig.
Idag får jeg så den her mail:
From Mother Earth to Master High Priestess Shaman Moonshade AngelLove:
If you accept the Codex and Terms You are hereby Risen and Inaugurated as a High Priestess Shaman Master Apprentice to be self-tougth over the next following 5 years
Read this first:
Swear Life and Blood on this to ME as Your Goddess - What Name You call me by does not Matter - I have many names:
Always to serve the outmost and help others - even die if it the ones ones You love the most and they dont themselves cause the situation
Always to NEVER do of egoistic purposes or desire and breaking into others destiny paths blindly out of desire or hate or anger or not respecting what cannot be accepted - for difference there is in choices always
Always to better yourself and Your abilities and learn to help others the rest of your life or untill I realease you of duty from serving ME
Always to never ask for anything from others, except what you are offered if reasonable or if you need it for basic survival and neccessity
Awlays to stay with prime Alpha Soul mates and loved ones and never to elave unless they stae or make reason so that YOU are incable of taking other choice than to elave and go, even they DIE for that IS their choice then to make it impossible to stay there for a life time
Reading further is acceptance of Terms, Deal and Codex stated above
Rise Master High Priestess Apprentice Moonshade AngelLove
Rise and Become what You are Meant to Be and Was born to be, Selected By ME before incarnating this round here
You are to teach yourself and work with drug and alochol abuser, start with the first Then work with depraved children lacking care and love from their family as You will not get able to have and rise children yourself in time, unless You develop and purify Your soul hastily - But remeber what is hasted is often wasted
And Master (name), Master (name), Master (name) and Master (name) all selected not to have children and breed offspring out of choice based on how the world and humanity is turning and becoming
For you are killing me as humans, even walking on ME, Abusing and using the gifts I provide and which Grows on me to make Death and not Love and Life
And for that I am furious, few more generations of mankind will make YOU turn the World and ME you all walk on into a desert not being able for you humans to lifve on, but the animals will prevail untill this planet and I am done
Listen to ME in The Wind and The Water and teach Yourself as Master (name) did, But start practically learning wisdom and learning as you work with alcoholics, then drug abuser and then depraved children, for much is in Your background Master Moonshade AngelLove about this you don't speak of or tell others
And keep Master (name) company and treat Him well, for ALL have deserted Him for helping others saving LIFE three times times 2 each. And if Master (name) doesn't turn and change He will DIE. That is INEVITABLE. But that you have to live with and accept and learn from Master Moonshade AngelLove
For a High Pristess and Shaman Life and Work is about Life and Love Love is Life And without Death there would be also none of that
You are inaugurated if wishing so Yourself By ME and Master (name) has the Honours of serving ME and to tell You so. Do a ritaul for ME if you accept this I bestow upon thy
By My Bidding and Commandment I offer you - if you wish so Master Moonshade Angellove, that is - for there is always choice - and that is the ONLY FREEDOm you and humans will ever have of what I willingly grant You desire and pray for of blessings
But narrow is the path Master Moonshade Angellove, for Humans are esaily mislead by power, ability, anger and desire - and much you must purify yourself
The first name you choose yourself The Second I give The Master Rising You The 3rd You pick when You are done learning
In 5-8 years You will be as Master (name)
You hereby are granted in human terms the following:
Master High Priestess Shaman Level 5 out of human life experience - Limited as apprentice teaching Yourself. I will channel to you and teach you as I did with Master (name)
Core 5 Heart Meridian Life/Love Creation Power Limit Potential is 866,66 units
You are capacity access limited to NOT be able using the last 38.9 % due to needing purification of Your soul BY SELF DEVELOPMENT, from anger and infliciton of alcohol and drugs froms others, as also self development and letting go of anger and bitternes and hate. SAYING NO AND LETTING GO FROM OTHERS HAVING MAKING IT BE SO IS NOT BEING DESERTED OR ABANDONED OR NOT GOOD ENOUGH. THAT IS OTHERS CHOICE TO MAKE IT SO BE IF SO HAPPEN
ONLY 1279 I have of Masters in this region and country Master Moonshade AngelLove - and only a Master can rise others to self-teach and learn
Hereby GRANTED and REMOVING human blockings UNLOCKING skillset and ability set to perform Mind-Spirit-Body-Soul Magick, in the highest interest of always helping others, with the aim of being a better human and person serving and helping where nedded is and be
If You Swear ME Life and Blood on NEVER doing for YOURSELF other than needs out of neccesity and ALWYAS respect CHOICE even not being ABLE ACCEPT IT
Your current work designation is the following:
You are designated being a Protector Guardian Keeper as Master (name). To Guard the Life and Souls and Protect the Spirit and Keeping the Mind sane of people in dire needs of your assistance doing MY work on Earth serving ME, if you so to do Master Moonshade Angellove.
Walk as The Name - For the Moon casts No Shade - it shines in The Hidden Darkness of Nigth, above all others
Best of wishes if so accept Master High Priestess Shaman Moonshade AngelLove, You will serve ME well I know
Mother Earth out - Releasing Master (name) - he is very weak and torn and worn - he will provide you with the neccessary pratical knowledge on how do as he did himself.
Nu håber jeg så ikke at det at jeg har delt det med jer, får nogle åndsvage konsekvenser.
Jeg bliver bare VIRKELIG USIKKER når så noget her popper op.
Jeg er blevet advaret, at jeg vil blive ved med at støde på folk der fortæller mig at jeg skal bruge mine evner, for det er det jeg har valgt for den her inkarnation... fair nok.
Hvad skal jeg synes om det her?!!!
Jeg aner OVERHOVEDET ikke hvordan jeg skal reagere!
Antal indlæg : 762 Join date : 07/03/09 Age : 35 Geografisk sted : Et sted i Danmark
Emne: Sv: PLEASE HELP!!! Søn Jun 30, 2013 1:56 pm
Jeg synes, det lyder noget suspekt, og jeg tror ikke, jeg ville respondere på den, hvis det var mig. :/ Det er et spøjst sprog med nogle underlige formuleringer og underlige stavefejl, hvilket automatisk gør mig mistænksom overfor sådan noget...
Antal indlæg : 132 Join date : 13/04/13
Emne: Sv: PLEASE HELP!!! Søn Jun 30, 2013 10:22 pm
Hej Moonlight Tiger.
Tak for dit svar:)
Jeg er faldet lidt ned, og har fået skrevet lidt med shamanen.
Jeg ved stadig ikke hvad jeg synes, men er i det mindste ikke totalt oppe i skyerne længere.
Antal indlæg : 762 Join date : 07/03/09 Age : 35 Geografisk sted : Et sted i Danmark
Emne: Sv: PLEASE HELP!!! Man Jul 01, 2013 6:46 am
Det var godt at høre
Antal indlæg : 321 Join date : 27/02/12 Age : 33 Geografisk sted : Sjælland
Emne: Sv: PLEASE HELP!!! Man Jul 01, 2013 9:31 am
Jeg ville ikke ligge særligt meget i det der ærligt talt.. Af flere grunde, men først og fremmest så tror jeg simpelthen ikke på at der sidder en "gudinde" og rekrutterer sine shamaner gennem mail, hvilket den mail der jo ligger ret kraftigt op til i form af sætningen: Reading further is acceptance of Terms, Deal and Codex stated above... "Guder" rekrutterer ikke på dén måde, det gør mennesker.... Så, ja, allerede dér synes jeg ikke ligefrem at det ser særligt legit ud..
Antal indlæg : 132 Join date : 13/04/13
Emne: Sv: PLEASE HELP!!! Man Jul 01, 2013 1:58 pm
Jeg tror du har ret, Ceenth.
Dejlig down to earth-måde du ser det på.
Summen af det han skriver om mig er rigtig nok, så han har kontakt med noget. Tror bare ikke at det er en hellig gudinde. Isis ville f.eks ifølge min erfaring ikke tale sådan.
Noget helt andet er, at det undre mig virkelig at jeg skal sværge med mit liv, og give mit liv for andres skyld. Gu' vil jeg ej!
Og så fortalte han mig at hans familie har cuttet kontakten med ham, men hvilken familie gør det medmindre de er jehovas vidner eller han er sexforbryder eller narkoman. I ask?!
Og det gør at jeg vælger at tro, at han udgiver sig for mere end han er.
Noget helt andet er så Moonshade Angellove, det lyder da sejt nok
Tesposinus Admin
Antal indlæg : 1663 Join date : 05/03/09 Age : 44
Emne: Sv: PLEASE HELP!!! Ons Jul 03, 2013 7:36 pm
Angellove skrev:
Summen af det han skriver om mig er rigtig nok, så han har kontakt med noget.
Eller også er der simpelthen blot tale om én, der kender dig... i scenarier som dette er det altid godt med en god håndfuld skepticisme og et vågent øje dertil.
Antal indlæg : 132 Join date : 13/04/13
Emne: Sv: PLEASE HELP!!! Ons Jul 03, 2013 8:01 pm
Eller også er der simpelthen blot tale om én, der kender dig... i scenarier som dette er det altid godt med en god håndfuld skepticisme og et vågent øje dertil.
I *BIB* hope not! Jeg har fået RIGELIGT i mit liv af folk der på mystisk vis 'kender' mig!!!
Nu slæber jeg kæresten med til at møde ham på lørdag, (hvis jeg så ellers er rask).
Doc. Danny
Antal indlæg : 19 Join date : 07/12/12 Age : 52 Geografisk sted : Fyn
Emne: Sv: PLEASE HELP!!! Fre Jul 05, 2013 2:47 pm
Tjah - så længe man ikke skal angive sit kontonummer, oplyse kontrol-cifre fra Visa etc,, så kan det vel bare være underholdende at være med i legen?
Så vidt vides er det endnu kun i bande/rocker-miljøer man bliver opsøgt af orn'li' sy'e gangstere der vil klippe ens fingre af med en fjerkræsaks, så ind til den "okkulte" verden i DK bliver inspireret af slige gangster-metoder, så er du nok home-free, om du så sælger din sjæl via hotmail.....
Tjah - så længe man ikke skal angive sit kontonummer, oplyse kontrol-cifre fra Visa etc,, så kan det vel bare være underholdende at være med i legen?
Så vidt vides er det endnu kun i bande/rocker-miljøer man bliver opsøgt af orn'li' sy'e gangstere der vil klippe ens fingre af med en fjerkræsaks, så ind til den "okkulte" verden i DK bliver inspireret af slige gangster-metoder, så er du nok home-free, om du så sælger din sjæl via hotmail.....
Jeg kan godt se det sjove i det. Er også begyndt at grine lidt af mig selv, men hvorom alting er, så er jeg hvor naivt det kan virke ret sikker på at han kan 'noget', selvom han vistnok også er en lille bitte smule psykotisk. Er ret usikker på det... altså hvor meget han kan.