Jeg har inden for de sidste par dage snakket med et medlem om meditation. Han spurgte om jeg ville dele de kurser jeg har været igennem, da jeg fortalte lidt om hvad jeg har oplevet under meditationerne.
Så det er hermed det jeg gør. I må altså lige leve med at de er på engelsk. Hvis i har nogle spørgsmål, skal jeg nok prøve at besvare dem så godt jeg kan.
***man behøves ikke at læse på de links der er, man kan sagtens nøjes med den tekst jeg har sat ind***
Demonolatry meditation
After each meditation you should record your experience in the following manner:
Meditation Description and Duration:
How I felt before the meditation.
How I felt during the mediation.
How I felt immediately afterward.
What kept popping into my mind during the meditation?
Smells I noticed:
Sounds I noticed:
Physical sensations:
Emotional sensations:
Thoughts or Comments:
For the Demonolator meditation has many benefits. First, it helps to develop focusing skills. This inevitably will help you with focusing your will during magickal workings. Second, it helps to open your mind to more easily connect with Demonic entities. Lastly, meditation will, over time, fine-tune your focusing and awareness leading to a more effective ascension practice. People who jump into ascension without strong meditation skills often find it difficult to practice ascension because they have not yet developed the stillness of mind and focus needed to attain that state of awareness that can allow the mind access to the Demonic plane. It can also help us to tap into our natural abilities for divination and internal wisdom.
On a more basic level, meditation can teach us how to control how we respond to stress triggers, teach us to observe our emotions/thoughts/reactions, and can lead to an overall heightened state of awareness, relaxation, and well-being.
"How" does a person learn to meditate? Many people I've met seem overly concerned about technique as if learning to meditate is something akin to learning how to play the flute. As someone who has been meditating for almost 20 years, I'm here to tell you that it's not that complex.
First, learning "how" to meditate is not as hard as people seem to think. You merely sit in a comfortable spot in a comfortable position and focus your attention on something, whether it is an object, idea, or your own breath.
What *is* difficult is learning how to focus your attention on something for long durations of time. There is no tried and true technique for how to do this. It cannot be "taught" so to speak. Either you have focus or you don't. Most of us need to "develop" our attention spans (focus) to help us learn to meditate for longer durations. This means we start out meditating for short durations and gradually learn patience and ways of keeping ourselves focused as we go. Learning to meditate is really a hands-on thing. You can't read a book or have someone tell you how to do something, and then expect to just "know" how it's done, then have 100% excellent results from then on out.
Meditation is, for all intents and purposes, the calming of the mind and directing focus. This leads to revelation, insight, and relaxation. So no matter how you meditate or how long you do it, you really can't do it "wrong", and you can't hurt yourself (unless you are depressed - see class introduction for the warning). There is no one definitive way to meditate and what works for one person will not always work for the next.
Comfort is an important part of any meditation practice because discomfort can become a distraction. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and make sure your quiet space is at a comfortable temperature and free from distractions.
There are two more things that may help enhance your meditation practice.
1. Posture. The way you sit is very important. There are many positions you can try. The key point is you should be comfortable without being so comfortable that you fall asleep (unless you are using a specific meditative technique to cure insomnia or need to put yourself in the proper state-of-mind for various dream workings). Allow your hands to fall comfortable on your knees palms down, or you can rest the back of your hands on your knees, all fingers bent slightly upward, with your thumb and index finger touching. Additionally you can hold your hands to your chest and with your fingers create a triangle over the heart chakra.
Here are several of the positions you can try:
· Sit in a chair with your feet firmly on the ground.
· Sit cross-legged.
· Sit in half-lotus.
· Sit in full lotus.
· Sit against a wall with your legs stretched out in front of you.
· Use a meditation cushion to lift your hips, properly align the spine, and lower your legs to the floor. The meditation cushion provides extra support.
If you are unfamiliar with Lotus pose (a preferred sitting position for many), read this article: body alignment is important. Your head should sit squarely on top of your shoulders and your spine should remain supple. Your sitting bones should firmly have contact with the ground (if not using a meditation cushion). Whether or not this is comfortable for you is another story. Whatever you do, don’t slouch and try not to tense up your muscles (back, shoulders, or neck) nor should you straighten your back too much because it will eventually tense up. Every part of you should be relaxed, including your forehead, tongue, and throat.
2. Concentration. Most people will find that they have a shorter attention span than they imagined. Your first meditations may only last 5-10 minutes, but will gradually increase as you begin to feel more comfortable meditating. For meditations about "nothing" specifically, many people find it difficult to concentrate on nothing. This is completely normal. Easier meditations are generally guided, or allow the mind some subject matter to chew on. Start with something to concentrate on. Move on to "nothing" later on.
Some tips for maintaining focus:
-Always start by becoming aware of your breath. Take long, even breaths. Relax. Then switch your focus to the subject matter. Allow your thoughts to pass through your mind without judging them or reacting. Become an observer.
-Use physical objects to focus on, then close your eyes. Candle flames, pictures, statues, or sigils may help you stay focused. When you start to lose focus open your eyes, then will yourself back to the here and now. Additionally you may choose to allow your mind to wander. There is no right or wrong way. Sometimes allowing the mind to wander will reveal something about the original subject matter. If you feel the need to focus try to speak aloud to yourself, or recite a mantra to get back on track. Whatever works.
Guided: A guided meditation is when another person leads your imagination on a journey. In this instance, the person meditating simply focuses on the voice of the guide and allows her mind to follow. You simply observe your mind's reaction as if watching a movie. There are numerous tapes and CD’s of guided meditations available. Or you can record your own.
Relaxation: For stress reduction, relaxation meditation is popular. Generally, for a relaxing meditation, you focus on your breath. Breathe deeply and evenly, and systematically start at your feet and tighten and release muscle groups from your feet to your head so that you are relaxed. This type of meditation can be done lying down, but you may fall asleep before finishing. It's a great meditation to try if you have trouble sleeping, or you have a lot of tension. The point of relaxation meditation is to quiet the mind. Try focusing on the silence – it works wonders, especially in the modern world where we are constantly bombarded with external stimuli.
Insight: This type of meditation (sometimes called concentrative meditation) is used for soul searching and discovering your own innate wisdom. It can also be used to develop a deeper connection to your spiritual Self. You start off focusing on the breath. Deep, relaxed breathing will help bring you to an aware meditative state, then you shift your focus onto the subject matter of the meditation, and allow your mind to freely explore the subject in its own way. Staying focused on the subject becomes most of the battle. Some people have said insightful meditation is something akin to relaxed daydreaming. In a sense, it is. Your relaxed, aware state allows the mind to make correlations, and reveal insight more easily than everyday consciousness. Many people will use insight meditation as a means of solving bothersome worries and emotional, or life problems.
Overall, meditation, like anything, is something you learn over time.
Breathing exercises, gentle yoga sessions beforehand, and listening to guided meditations may help you on your journey. Experiment and explore. Eventually you will find a meditation technique right for you.
It can be difficult, with a busy lifestyle, to find time to meditate. If you find you are having this difficulty, you may want to try meditating before bed, right when you wake up, or when the baby is taking a nap (for you parents). For those of you with more time and more stamina, you may choose to meditate longer or more frequently. Just like anything, making meditation a habit can be difficult, as it requires you to make modifications to your existing daily routine. It's easier to make lifestyle modifications if you start out slowly and gradually increase the time you meditate from week to week or month to month.
Start out by meditating twice a week for fifteen minutes each. Keeping a regular schedule for your meditation practice will make it easier for you to stick with it. Choose two days of the week and a specific time for your practice. Once you are in your meditation space, set a timer or alarm clock. Make sure your meditation space is quiet, free from distraction, and at a comfortable temperature.
Aleister Crowley was big on yoga for a reason. Yoga is about calming the mind, becoming aware of the Self, focusing, having discipline over the body, and increasing oxygen flow to the blood. All of this can greatly enhance your ritual work. You might consider taking on a light yoga practice session before meditation to get your body and mind warmed up for extended meditation. I suggest Yoga Journal’s Yoga for Meditation with Rodney Yee. Here is the Amazon Link, but you can probably find it at your local health or fitness store. The tapes cost around $15 each. are a few of the many resources available to you on the internet.
Helpful Books/Kits:
Insight Meditation: A Step by Step Course on How To Meditate – Salzburg & Goldstein, This is a complete course on insight meditation. While it is guided by Buddhist philosophy, I highly recommend it because the basics are there. The kit will cost approximately $30. You can probably find it at your local bookstore or metaphysical shop. You can just buy the workbook in paperback for about $15 bucks. The kit comes with the workbook, two guided meditation CDs and study cards. Here is the link on Amazon: meditation to learn to relax: meditation to help with health issues: - This is a wonderful site (scroll down past the ads) that details the health benefits of meditation. - Results of a meditation study and its effects on health and performance.
Online Meditations: - You need Real Player to listen to these guided meditations geared toward relaxation and awareness. - An online zen meditation resource. - An online Dharma meditation resource. - Joy of Satan meditations. I may not agree with their theology, but some of their meditations are good and can be modified to your specific wants and needs.
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